sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2011

45 Dias de Desafios Literários - Dia 19: Livro em cujo universo habitarias

Hmm... Complicado... Há tantos mundos que me encantam... Acabei por escolher Sevenwaters. Um mundo cheio de magia que sempre me encantou!

"The setting for Sevenwaters is an area of Ireland called the Ring of Gullion, in County Armagh. The nearest town is Newry, near the Ulster / Republic of Ireland border. There was once a major forest there but most of it was cut down when they cleared the land for farming in around the 14th century. There's been some effort to replant recently and you may find on a map something called the Slieve Gullion Forest Park - that is pretty much where Sevenwaters is supposed to be. The lake that's there now is a lot smaller than the one described in the books." - do site oficial de Juliet Marillier

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